EUR/USD / 15M / Up or Down?By FXD Sniper / February 9, 2024 EUR/USD / 15M / Up or Down?EUR/USD is the number 1 trades pair in the forex space. Can you tell which way the price will go next? Take the quiz and find out if you stand a chance winning against the EU! 1 / 10Up or Down? Up Down 2 / 10Up or Down? Up Down 3 / 10Up or Down? Down Up 4 / 10Up or Down? Down Up 5 / 10Up or Down? Up Down 6 / 10Up or Down? Down Up 7 / 10Up or Down? Up Down 8 / 10Up or Down? Down Up 9 / 10Up or Down? Up Down 10 / 10Up or Down? Up Down Your score isThe average score is 73% 0% Restart quiz Give us a rating!