Test your Supply & Demand knowledge

Test your Supply & Demand knowledge

Supply and demand is the driving force of all business and economics. Test your S&D knowledge and see if there’s anything you should improve on.

1 / 10

Is this statement True of False? “When supply is greater than demand, prices increases; when demand is greater than supply, prices drops.

When supply is greater than demand, prices drop; when demand is greater than supply, prices rise.

2 / 10

Why did price reverse from this supply zone?

When supply is greater than demand, prices drop; when demand is greater than supply, prices rise.

3 / 10

If you entered at thid demand, where would you place your stop loss?

If you entered at thid demand, where would you place your stop loss?

4 / 10

Is this a valid supply zone?

Is this a valid supply zone?

5 / 10

Is this a valid supply zone?

Is this a valid supply zone?

6 / 10

Is this a valid demand zone?

Is this a valid demand zone?

7 / 10

Why did price reverse from this demand zone?

Why did price reverse from this demand zone?

8 / 10

Which of these demand zones are we most likely to reverse from?

Which of these demand zones are we most likely to reverse from?

9 / 10

Is this statement True or False? “The law of supply and demand combines two fundamental economic principles describing how changes in the price of a resource, commodity, or product affect its supply and demand. As the price increases, supply rises while demand declines. Conversely, as the price drops supply constricts while demand grows.”

The law of supply and demand combines two fundamental economic principles describing how changes in the price of a resource, commodity, or product affect its supply and demand. As the price increases, supply rises while demand declines. Conversely, as the price drops supply constricts while demand grows.

10 / 10

If you entered at this supply zone, should you target the low?

If you entered at this supply zone, would you target the low?

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